Joanne Topper Photographer

1,000 Reasons to Say No, One Reason to Say Yes!

Women often don’t have a great relationship with how they look, they’ll focus on their flaws first. 

If I was to go up to a woman now and say would you like to have your photo taken she’ll give me 1000 reasons why she won’t.
My eyes aren’t even, I don’t like my ears, I can’t smile, my hair needs doing, my teeth need whitening, I”m to busy. 

I get it!

But here’s what I’ve learned … When a woman has an emotionally driven reason to have her picture taken, whether it’s hitting a glass ceiling at work and wanting to apply for a new job, at a crossroads in life, recovering from illness or the kids have left home and it’s time for her to rediscover herself. She sets aside all those doubts. 

Which looks like this: Puts that Tesco shopping list to the side, put her family second for a moment, and she completely focuses on the excitement of having a fresh image that truly reflects where she is in her life right now.